What is Leo Club?
The Roosevelt High School Leo Club is sponsored by the Honolulu Chinatown Lions Club. The Leo Club is designed to give students an opportunity to give back to the community and to gain valuable life skills through diverse events. We do community service that will benefit others and help the community. Some of the events we do help to fund raise money for the many events we attend and donate money to. Through hard work and the many projects throughout the year, students not only develop leadership skills that will help them in life, but also gain a better understanding of the world. By receiving a better understanding of all the work that goes into holding events, students learn that hard work will always pay off in the end. We also learn that we should not take anything for granted in life and become grateful for others from the projects we perform. Leadership, experience, and opportunity provided by the Leo Club help every individual grow as a person and give back to the community. We hope to continue this commitment for many years to come.
How to join?
We welcome new members all year long! Feel free to pick up a membership form at room A212 or print one out HERE. You can turn the form in to any of the officers, and we will pick it up as soon as we can. Don't forget to ask for a club shirt if you did not get one already! We will have them available during club meetings and at events, let us know ahead of time so we may bring enough for everyone.
When is the next club meeting?
Next club meeting will be on TBD at A-212, during lunch. See you there!
How to stay informed?
Joining the Facebook group is a great idea because we often post reminders as well as additional last minute events that are not on the event sheet at meetings or on the website. Since school is not in session during summer vacation, summer events are often posted on this page. If you are a new member, you might've received an email inviting you to join the group. If not, you can search "RHS Leo Club" and send in a request to join.